Thursday, 21 July 2016

Organic Farm Open Day - De Wenteling

Dear Readers,

have you ever visited an Organic Farm? We did it a couple of weeks ago. We had a tour around the garden, we tried the fresh veggies, talked with the owner and  I made many pictures.

 Do you know what does it mean exactly organic? "In terms of agriculture and the growing of food, organic is a term that specifies the types of amendments that can be applied to an agricultural field, like seeds, transplants (seeds grown in a greenhouse then transplanted into fields), water, fertilizers, herbicides (items used to control weeds), pesticides (items used to control bugs and pests), fungicides (items used to control fungi). The basic definition of an organic amendment is that it can be found naturally in the environment." You can read more about it, here

These organic farm offers 2 basis size boxes full with fresh veggies and fruit in every season. Enjoy local eating!
If you understand Dutch, here you go the website.

The name of the organic farm is De Wenteling:

 Our group are listening:



I have never seen this type of beans before:

lettuce in a row:

Flowers and bee:

It was a good program and we learned a lot about the healthier life:)
Have a good day!